Bathing, self-love and airconditioning!

I started bathing ritually every evening quite by accident. It was the cold winter nights and the old traditional cottage that myself and my three children live in, with its airy floorboards and high ceilings, that drove me into the warmth of the bath.

This little cottage is warmed only with a wood combustion oven and the old original wood burning cooker that came with the house.  Whilst it is warm by the fire it is cold in other parts of the house so there is nothing more magical then slowly slipping into a hot oil scented bath on an icy evening.

The sensations of delight as I find relief from the cold are irrepressible and every part of me tingles with delight. Like a wonderful all over massage.  I have realised that while air conditioning is very easy, wonderful and has its place … I would not know all these hard won but profoundly simple pleasures if I could control the temperature with a flick of a switch.

With bathing we can support our immune systems. If the bath is hot enough to induce a slight sweat it can stimulate the process of perspiration that removes toxins from the body. You may even notice that a regular bath routine reduces perspiration odour so you have less of a need for deodorants to control body odour. The heat of the water also kills many strains of bacteria and viruses decreasing the number of colds and infections you may get throughout the year.

I rarely if ever get sick and I am sure regularly bathing in hot water helps keep me clean and detoxified.   It is said that the increased circulation of the lymph system required for the sweating process helps to clear the system of toxins and create a free-flowing system to remove toxins, bacteria and viruses from the body. The lymph system is the system responsible for stimulating immune response. Hot baths help increase lymph drainage and improve health. If it’s too hot I lift my feet and rest them on the side.  Heaven!

I have a delicious home-made all over body scrub made from: brown sugar, organic olive oil and essential oil.

Pour a quantity of sugar into a jar, pour in enough olive oil to blend but not make it too wet. Then add ten drops of your favourite essential oil and blend with a spoon. When you are in your bath use all over and your skin will feel delicious. The sugar gently exfoliates the skin and the olive oil nourishes while the essential oils smell heavenly.

This recipe is also is lovely gift to make for friends and family. So easy to make and so enjoyable to give.

We don’t have television to distract us every evening … so there is time for things like bathing, reading and talking (and of course lots of playing and fighting amongst the three children).

One evening after my usual hour long bath I noticed that it was very quiet ‘out there’. I really wasn’t going to leave the bath early to investigate. But when I did finally emerge all three were snuggled under thick blankets on sofa’s reading. They were so comfortable and warm and it hadn’t occurred to them to keep the fire going. So it was early to bed that night!

So go on… be brave and bathe!

Bj English

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